28 Day Anti Reflux Plant-Based Challenge with Pam Fox

If you have GERD or LPR and you’ve been wondering what a plant based diet could do for you, here is your opportunity! 

Follow along and get inspired, or jump in 100% and do the challenge…all are welcome as long as you know that my group is meant to be a place of learning, encouraging, and inspiring, with only kindness and respect toward one another. 
I’ve put together 17 recipes that I think are delicious. They are all plant based and include no common trigger ingredients for reflux disease. Before writing this I just finished eating the sushi rolls and they were delightful! 
How the challenge will work -
I’ll be streaming live on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays from the group, doing cooking demos, teaching and answering your questions the best I can.
To participate in this FREE challenge, join here.  You will receive an email from me with further instructions including the meal planner, recipes, and more. 
Join the Facebook group when you get that email and take a look at the files for some inspiration to get started.

Sign up and join us in our private FB group

Disclaimer:  This challenge is not intended as a replacement for professional medical advice or treatment. As with any health program, please consult your doctor before use. A concerted effort to ensure the accuracy and relevance of information has been made. However, such information and materials may be interpreted inaccurately or contain errors, and Pam Fox expressly excludes any liability for any such misinterpretations or errors to the fullest extent permitted by law. Your use of any information or materials on this challenge is entirely at your own risk, for which Pam Fox shall not be liable. It will be your responsibility to ensure that any products, services or information made by Pam Fox meet your specific requirements with safety. By participating in the 28 Day Anti Reflux Plant-Based Challenge with Pam Fox, you hereby understand and accept these terms.


50% Complete

Two Step

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